Henry A Fox, Labs and Assignments

    You can contact me by email email or phone, whichever is easiest.

    My favorate websites are as follows:
1 is NASA picture of the day (maybe you can teach me how to embed this as an api :>) 2 the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, which is really quite a great place to spend time reading, and then of course the infamious 3 Dalle2.

    Classes I'm taking this semester: ENGR 493, IYA 499, ANTH 315, MPGU 125, ACAD 174, ACAD 178, and of course the beloved ACAD 275 :>


  1. Assignment/classpage (yep, ur on it)
  2. Tutorial Page
  3. Assignment: Resume
  4. Lab: Calendar
  5. Assignment: Film Article
  6. Lab: Zen Garden
  7. Project: Individual site project proposal
  8. Lab: Flexbox nav
  9. Assignment: Survey
  10. Assignment: Interactive Article
  11. Lab: Practice exam
  12. ---Feb 07 HTML Examinations---
  13. Assignment: Personal Web Page (front-page)
  14. Assignment: Responsive film review
  15. Lab: Frontpage design notes
  16. Lab: “alternate” style for printing
  17. Assignment: Peer critiques of frontpages
  18. Lab: Frontpage “alternate” style tiles
  19. Assignment: Build a Javascript color setter
  20. Lab: Function lab
  21. Assignment: Calculator app
  22. Assignment: Individual Project Milestone: Content Build
  23. Lab: JS TV form page
  24. Lab: Add jQuery to a college page
  25. Lab: Add jQuery to a resource page (p2)
  26. Assignment: Interactive Photo Gallery
  27. Lab: Implement a slideshow plug-in
  28. ---Mar 14, 16 Spring Recess---
  29. Assignment: Random photo page
  30. Lab: Email validation
  31. Assignment: Dog photo page
  32. Lab: Re-structuring data
  33. Assignment: Designs for Group Project
  34. Assignment: Dynamic bookmark data page
  35. Lab: Github group repo
  36. Group Assignment: Group critique prep
  37. Group Project: Content Build
  38. Group Project: Technical Proposal
  39. Group Project: Final Build
  40. ---JS Examinations---
  41. Lab: Web animation
  42. ---Apr 28 GROUP Project Final Build posted by 11:59pm--- ---May 04 Student Presentations of Group Projects ---